I started training in the summer of 2016, I had never been a member of any kind of club in my life, as I hadn’t the confidence to join a club, so for me to join Luton Lunatics was a big step for me. I have always loved martial arts, I grew up watching films such as ‘the drunken master’, ‘kill bill’, ‘IP man’ – I even have Jackie Chan’s autograph.

I originally joined Luton Lunatics because I kept getting told by others that girls are weaker than boys and girls shouldn’t be training because it is not lady like, for me I wanted to prove them wrong.

Training in Wado Ryu has really tested my determination and my will to persevere. I’m so glad that I joined I proved to myself that I can accomplish things that I thought I couldn’t – I double graded in my first grading from a white belt to a yellow belt, which took me a lot by surprise and I also double graded in April, 2017 from orange belt to purple belt, which again I was more than surprised, I thought I wasn’t going to grade because I couldn’t get my side and back kicks, but I did it.

And now to get my brown belt in such a short amount of time, proves that hard work pays off no matter what. I love training in Luton lunatics, it’s amazing!