I started training in the summer of 2015, being dragged along by my parents to go and do something “active”. I had no idea what I was going into, especially seeing the sport as quite a physical and violent one, but I was far from wrong. I started off quite scared and wanted to quit at such an early stage (luckily I didn’t). As I grew, getting my red, yellow and orange belts, I started to see karate as a key to develop, not just in karate knowledge, but also as a person.
As I worked my way up the ranks, I started to show confidence and determination, qualities that I didn’t even know I possessed before joining Luton Higashi Karate Kai. However, one quality that really was forced out, with years of training in Wado Ryu and maturing as an individual, was discipline. I am forever thankful I have this quality, and can put it into practise in everyday life, not just in karate.
I can’t believe I have already got my brown belt, time really does fly fast when you are having fun! It really shows how hard work pays off, no matter what practise you are doing. As long as you have the right mind-set, anything is possible. Most importantly, the experiences, through blood, sweat and tears that was created with this club is something I never wish to end. I can happily call this club “family” in my heart and I will always cherish that bond created, for the rest of my life…