Luton Karate is a friendly club that has been teaching adults and kids in Luton for over 20 years. We are active in competitions and have trained world champions.
Based in Luton, we have been established for 20 years and the standards set at the club are of the highest level. Luton Higashi is ranked among the top clubs in the UK and Sensei John Hurley is the highest graded Higashi instructor in Herts, Beds and Bucks.
Sensei John Hurley founded the Luton Branch of Higashi Karate (Luton Karate) in 1995. The club had humble beginnings in a hall near Luton Airport, but due to ever increasing class sizes resulted in the club moving to bigger and bigger locations.
John often invites guest instructors to broaden the class’s appreciation of other martial arts. The class has been taught by instructors from other martial arts such as judo and shaolin.
The club goes on an annual trip to North Wales every May to train with the rest of the Higashi family. A weeks’ training in Wales is equivalent to three months of regular training and many members of the class gain a grade at the end of it.
There are also monthly trips to Forest Gate in East London for training by our 8th Dan Chief Instructor, Peter Spanton who founded Higashi Karate over thirty years ago.
John enjoys teaching students of different martial arts styles. In the club are students who have trained in shotokan karate, jiu jitsu, tae kwon do, tang so do and boxing to name a few. This gives the class a broader flavour of martial arts.
New students are always welcomed in the disciplined but friendly club in Luton. Students of any age or fitness level will find no problem fitting in and can start at any time. Children are trained in karate from as young as six years old.
If you’d like to try martial arts, please get in touch!