Luton Higashi 20 Year Anniversary!

This year marked Luton HKK’s 20th Anniversary and as no-one could remember the exact date we decided on 1st November to go out and celebrate.

The Club went out to Jimmy’s in Luton for dinner before heading back to Sensei John Hurley’s house for more drinks and fireworks to mark this milestone event.

On the night we were joined by some former members who no longer train with the club and it was great to see Jenny and Ro back with us again. Dr Wiles and his other half Kirsty, also made the long trip down from Kings Lynn to be there with us as well.

A surprise guest of the evening was Chris Baxter who, together with John, helped found the Club back in 1994 and also helped train a lot of the current members.

The lesson the next day was open to all members and if they wanted to bring a partner/friend that person trained for free. Doc and Kirsty had stayed and both turned up to train. Jenny, Ro, Alicja and Helen also joined for the day. The session was kept light and fun with self-defence techniques being the main focus with Doc running through kihons for some of the higher grades.

Some of the members who haven’t trained for years have now decided to come back and hopefully we will see them soon.

Congratulations to all members who have made the club what it is and lets see if we can make it another 20 years

By Jeff Archer

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